Thursday, August 7, 2008

weekend w/ Springfield gals :)

The gals from Springfield were here last weekend. Here are a few pics of us at Navy Pier where we saw the Cirque Shanghai (Chinese Acrobats) show....pretty awesome and somewhat painful.
The night before Mares and I joined Joy, Lezlie, & Sandra for scrapbooking. I have to admit I was NOT into the idea. But, knowing dinner was going to be served got me pumped into going. Now, I'm officially 'hooked' on the whole scrapbooking thing. Well, at least until I finish my current book. :)

And my favorite....

~lisa :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

-Mah True Friends-

Hey Gals! Ya'll don't have a clue how much each and everyone of you mean to me. Someone once told me that when people die they take a lot of things in their heart with them. Some carry hatred, some take envy and others take lust, grief and so much more. But for me, when I die I'll be taking a whole lot of love for you girls to my grave!

Praying for ya'll everyday! Luv ya'll bunches!!