Monday, December 22, 2008


sorry if you got the email about a new post "o holy night". That was for my personal blog. I didn't realize I was in the Sisters and friends blog. Don't want to offend. Thanks.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 End of the Year Goals

Hi All, it was suggested that we kind of theme each month to keep our blog interesting. So, i'm proposing the first theme of this month as we share those end of the year goals we may have. now, you don't have to bear all, obviously. but, share the ones you can. Thanks!(p.s. feel free to post another theme as well...)

Lisa's '08 EOY Goals:
1) Show MORE of the love of God
2) Be more frugal and finacially responsible
3) Enjoy family and friends more
4) Enjoy life ("I have come that they might have life more abundantly!")
5) Not let things get to me as much. "Let it rolll..." (right, jacks!?!)


Friday, December 5, 2008

Testing Out the New User Permissions!

Ok, so Blogger has this new thing were a blog can have multiple authors. I was thinking that would be of great use to us for THIS blog, because in this way, we can be notified at our personal emails addresses when someone else posts here.

What do you all think?